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FishJong 2
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FishJong 2

FishJong 2

6/10 - 14 votes
Played 72 880 times
High Score Game

Mahjong Variants

In the translucent waters of a lagoon with a rich and colorful underwater wildlife, disturb the tranquility of fishes by matching them by pairs as quickly as possible. This mahjong game is a very good surprise, because of some appreciable innovations: in particular the need to use a "time" rechargeable button to glean useful seconds to complete the levels before the end of the countdown. Fish Jong also offers successful cartoon graphics and an animated aquatic background.

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High Scores
      • 1
        153 961 kaki
      • 2
        86 750 sunshine
      • 3
        64 278 Nyz
      • 4
        28 811 ZofiaFarm
      • 5
        26 171 cath
      • 6
        15 049 Chrisyac
      • 7
        13 815 Redmonte
      • 8
        12 575 abcl544
      • 9
        10 593 béa
      • 10
        8 849 Robin