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Mystic Rings
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Mystic Rings

Mystic Rings

7/10 - 62 votes
Played 67 030 times

Mahjong Variants

Inspired by mahjong solitaire, Mystic Rings adds nice touches of originality and benefits from a superb realization. Symbols turn on the rings of a wheel and you must match them to clear the board quickly. The tiles must have a free side and can be part of different circles as long as they belong to the same wheel. Moreover, the rings contain symbols on both sides and can be flipped at any time, as well as swiped from one wheel to another. In short, the easiest way is to start the tutorial of the game and you will quickly assimilate the rules. You have 5 minutes to try to overcome the 5 levels of the game. Mystic Rings is an absolutely sublime game that renews the genre.

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